Data Oriented Programming in Java: Chapter 6 Progress (2025-01-12)
Published: 2025-01-12
Chapter 5 is now available in MEAP!
Early Access here: Data Oriented Programming in Java
Current Stats:
- Words: 6427
- Listings: 12
- Figures Used: 1
- Figures Made: 6
My lofty estimate from last week was wrong. I am not done.
The main contention point remains my deciding what not to talk about. The list keeps growing. Nobody needs another Java book explaining partial application or currying (which is largely impractical and clunky in the language, despite how much ink is spilled over it). They need a book about software engineering.
The challenge is figuring out how to structure the chapter so that it's less about this specific implementation, and instead about how to think about implementation in general. The theme is that we're still doing the same thing we've been doing throughout the book, focusing on what our choices communicate, just down a level of abstraction.
Plans for next week:
The second draft is infinitely easier than the first. That's where the actual writing begins. So, do the painful thing of getting that first draft done – or at least all of the major sections roughed out.