Data Oriented Programming in Java: Chapter 7 Progress (2025-02-23)

Published: 2025-02-23

Early Access here: Data Oriented Programming in Java

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Chapter 6 is officially done and being MEAPified. Should be released soon.

The exact release date is tricky to say.

Manning's live books are a less automated than you might guess. There is, like, one guy that handles converting the manuscripts into live books. The "deployment process" is me sending an email to my editor. They relay that message to this guy (toiling away in some atavistic basement, surely. Sweaty and overworked. Coal furnace involved somehow). This guy does something. A few days later, changes are reflected on the site.

So, it's a race against time once you give them the OK to MEAP. I have to sneak in all my last minute changes before he picks up the draft. And there are lots to make. Updating the repository for the book always reveals little errors. Mismatched variable names. Missing semicolons. etc.

That's chapter 6.

Chapter 7 is currently in that initial sketching phase that mostly consists of collecting scattered notes, half-written code, and a mess of "maybe we'll..." examples.