Data Oriented Programming in Java: Chapter 7 Progress (2025-03-09)

Published: 2025-03-09

Early Access here: Data Oriented Programming in Java

Current Stats:

  • Words: 2484
  • Listings: 13
  • Figures Used: 1
  • Figures Made: 1

It's not much in terms of raw word count, but a lot of good "figuring stuff out" happened this week. I've settled on the core example (dealing with bad upstream data) as well as the narrative arc it'll take (climbing up to peak complexity, surveying the landscape, and climbing back down).

The main thing I'm stressing over is keeping the abstract algebra stuff anchored in day-to-day programming. "Java developers don't want to be lectured about Monads" was some advice I received early in the writing process. It weighs heavy as we wade into that territory. I'm not sure what words I'm allowed to us or how soon they can be introduced – or if they should only be mentioned in passing through sidebars – "By the way, this is called a monoid homomorphism. Neat!".

This week, I'm going to try something that I haven't tried yet: stick to a daily minimum word count. Every day. 1000 words.

This is an attempt to get my "writing process" under control. It's currently chaotic and cycles between bursts of hyper productivity and periods where I sit completely idle for hours at a time with no idea what I'm doing or why I'm doing it or who I am or how English works or if AI will replace us all by the time I finish this or if I should stop writing so many run on sentences that just end abruptly at a weird spot like this one.